Evaluators, Tutors, Testing, and Counseling

Updated 3/18/24

If you have been notified by your county of the option to take Florida State Assessments in Reading and Math, or End of the Course Exams in Algebra, Geometry, US history, Biology, or middle school Civics.

These tests are an OPTIONAL way for the home educator to meet the annual assessment requirement. Many home educators want to know how their students are progressing according to national standards. Home educators have various testing options to evaluate progress that can be done using online test programs, local homeschool testing proctored by a certified teacher, or in home parent led assessments. Those results can be reviewed and discussed with a certified evaluator as part of a students annual portfolio assessment. If so, results do not have to be submitted to the county. Alternatively, if testing meets the requirements specified in the Florida statutes, home educators can opt to bypass an evaluation and submit results to the county school directly.


Information about the FSA and interpreting the results can be found at this link:


Students participating in full time Escambia Virtual Academy as a home education student are required to participate as per Florida statute 1008.22.





Local Florida Empowerment Approved Providers noted in RED